Squares and levels

Squares and spirit levels are essential tools in machine shops, indispensable for guaranteeing precision and accuracy in measurement and control operations. These instruments, also known as spirit levels, carpenter's squares, digital spirit levels, and combination squares, are used in a wide range of mechanical and engineering applications. Squares are angle measuring instruments used to mark out or verify 90-degree angles. Combination squares offer versatility, allowing different angles to be measured and often including a ruler and integrated spirit level. Spirit levels are instruments used to determine the horizontality or verticality of a surface. Spirit levels are among the most common, with a vial containing liquid to indicate the level. Digital spirit levels offer a further degree of accuracy, with electronic readings indicating the exact inclination with respect to the horizon. Advantages of squares and spirit levels - Accuracy: The use of squares and spirit levels ensures that mechanical components are aligned correctly, reducing errors and improving the quality of the finished work. - Efficiency: Tools such as digital spirit levels speed up the measurement process, reducing machining time and increasing productivity. - Reliability: The robustness of the materials used for squares and spirit levels, often made of steel or aluminium, guarantees a long service life and resistance to wear and tear. In machine shops, brackets and spirit levels are used at various stages of the production process. During the design and assembly phase, squares are used to draw precise lines and check angles. Spirit levels are essential to ensure that machines and surfaces are perfectly level, preventing malfunctions or uneven wear. Digital spirit levels are particularly useful for calibrating machinery, where high accuracy is required. Combined squares, due to their multifunctionality, are ideal for complex marking and measuring operations, reducing the need for additional tools. The use of squares and levels is indispensable in machine shops, where precision and efficiency are crucial. These tools reduce errors and improve the quality of the final product.
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Products 1 to 10 of 14 total

  1. Promo Digital bevel protractors APLA Measuring and precision tools 2825 0


      Digital bevel protractors APLA


      Special Price -25%

    • Promo Bevel protractors with magnifier ALPA Measuring and precision tools 2826 0


        Bevel protractors with magnifier ALPA


        Special Price -24%

      • Promo Pairs of parallel X-blocks ALPA Measuring and precision tools 2840 0


          Pairs of parallel X-blocks ALPA

          from €143.00 to €335.00

          Special Price -33%

          from €96.00 to €200.00
        • Promo Flat edge squares 90° ALPA Measuring and precision tools 36192 0


            Flat edge squares 90° ALPA

            from €130.00 to €297.00

            Special Price -31%

            from €90.00 to €297.00
          • Promo Beveled edged squares 90° ALPA Measuring and precision tools 36193 0


              Beveled edged squares 90° ALPA

              from €129.00 to €472.00

              Special Price -25%

              from €97.00 to €353.00
            • Promo Squares with base 90° ALPA Measuring and precision tools 36194 0


                Squares with base 90° ALPA

                from €200.00 to €509.00

                Special Price -30%

                from €140.00 to €509.00
              • Promo Horizontal spirit levels scrapped ALPA PLANOTEST Measuring and precision tools 36317 0


                  Horizontal spirit levels scrapped ALPA PLANOTEST

                  from €289.00 to €435.00

                  Special Price -25%

                  from €218.00 to €327.00
                • Promo Horizontal spirit levels grinded ALPA PLANOTEST Measuring and precision tools 244928 0


                    Horizontal spirit levels grinded ALPA PLANOTEST

                    from €152.00 to €180.00

                    Special Price -25%

                    from €114.00 to €180.00
                  • Promo Linear spirit levels ALPA PLANOTEST Measuring and precision tools 37161 0


                      Linear spirit levels ALPA PLANOTEST

                      from €550.00 to €636.00

                      Special Price -29%

                      from €390.00 to €480.00
                    • Promo Square spirit levels in cast iron ALPA Measuring and precision tools 2852 0


                        Square spirit levels in cast iron ALPA

                        from €269.00 to €345.00

                        Special Price -25%

                        from €201.00 to €345.00
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                      Products 1 to 10 of 14 total